College Inquiry Project Part II

Now that you have completed your research about the college you will visit, and you have finished the presentations and taken the quiz, here is the final part of the assignment:

You must now pick a college of your choice to research.  You will submit a 1-2 page summary of the college (Not Cut & Paste From A Website).  You must include at least 2 paragraphs with an overall introduction to the college or university.  You may Cut & Paste that from the main website.  See the example in the next post online.  Here is the other criteria you need to include:

College Name
College Address
Major Area of Study you would be interested in.
Sport you are interested in participating in.
Fraternity/Sorority you might belong too.
Extra-curricular activity you might be in.
What dorm you would be in during your freshman year.
How much the school costs (Credit Hour/$)
The name of the Sports Mascot
Name 2 places to eat.
Name 3 things to do around campus
Name 3 things to do off-campus
List the phone number for the following people:
  • Dean of Students
  • School Police
  • Dining Facility
  • Sports Complex
  • Main Campus Phone Number
Once finished, put all the information in an email and send it to me for credit.  This project is due before the end of the marking period.  Good Luck!!

-Mr. S

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