College Inquiry Project - (17/3-4)

Today you will begin with a discussion, video and Journal Entry about Habit #5 (Covey) - Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood.  (CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO)

When that is complete we will be introduced to a special project, designed by Mrs. Cohen, to help you gain a better understanding of the colleges you will visit this year.  Each class will investigate, in teams, information about the college they will visit.  The colleges included in this project are as follows:

Arcadia - Arcadia University (WEBSITE)
Cheyney - Cheyney University (WEBSITE)
LaSalle - Penn State - Abington (WEBSITE)
Temple - Chesnut Hill College (WEBSITE)
Widener - Widener University (WEBSITE)

You will be broken down into eight (8) research teams.  Each team will gather information about a specific aspect/topic of college life at the college listed above.  Today you will try to answer the questions outlined in the form online (CLICK HERE TO SEE FORM).

Please be thorough in your investigation of your topic.  During our Day IV this week each group will report out to the class.  You will need to take sufficient notes about your topic and the other presentations to complete a QUIZ on Day IV.  If you pay attention, the quiz should be easy.  In addition to the information about the college listed above, you will also have to investigate at least one more college on your own.  You will have to write a one-page description of the college in your own words and describe why you might want to attend it.  You may use any college, university or trade school you like.  This assignment is due before the end of the Second Marking Period.

Good Luck,

- Mr. S

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