New Year's Resolutions 2017 / Digital Line Art Project

Happy New Year to EVERYONE!  Today you will be easing back into the school-day schedule by discussing exactly what New Year's Resolutions are, and why you should try to set and work toward them.  Please review the following presentation from

When you have discussed WHAT a New Year's Resolution is, and been given some suggestions about how to create them, please click the next link to POST at 2-3 Resolutions of your own to our Padlet Board for Class:

You will need to add your initials, P(?), and MP2 to your heading, and then add 2-3 Resolutions you plan to work toward in the coming year.  This board will be public, and you should follow all school rules for internet safety and security.  When you are done, follow the directions below to create a fun drawing using Microsoft Powerpoint or Google Slides.  This will be an introduction to Digital Animation, and help you to create fun mini-videos and other digital art online.  Make sure you upload and share your drawing for credit for today's assignment.


Step 1:  Log into Google or Open Microsoft PowerPoint on your Computer
Step 2:  Create NEW Slides Presentation or NEW Presentation in PowerPoint
Step 3:  Use the Drawing Tools to make a stick figure scene.  Make sure to place specific layers in order and use a variety of colors and styles to make it vibrant.

Step 4:  Export you Presentation/Slide as an Image and Upload to Google Drive
Step 5:  SHARE your Image with Mr. S ( for credit.

Welcome Back!  Good Luck!

- Mr. S 

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