Students will learn how to collaborate and store work online using Google Drive.  Students will create, write and share a document on their Google Drive.  They will be able to produce documents, presentations and spreadsheets.

Students will review the instructions for creating a Weebly.Com website.  Students will then open their Google Drive and create an Autobiography as a one-page document.  This document will be graded on grammar, spelling, completeness, and how it was submitted (electronically shared with instructor).

Good Morning,
Today you will log into your Gmail and Create a One-Page Autobiography about yourself.  The instructions are located on the link below.  You must type a full page for credit.  You must also complete the Email Survey located on the linked page (I will show you where in class).  Make sure that you follow all directions.  You must SHARE this document with me for credit.  My email is hscribnercaa@gmail.com.  Good Luck!  



Students will learn the basic ways to complete internet-based research.  Students will focus on a famous historical figure and complete research about that person’s life, and a significant event during that time in history.  Students will be required to create a summary project based on that event and that person.  Students will review and comment on work created by their peers in class.

STUDENTS MUST START BY READING ALL DIRECTIONS ON CLASS WEBSITE!  Students will use the resources in class to create a Facebook-Style page for a famous historical figure.  The page created must center around a specific event from that person’s life, and research must be done to describe the person, event, and other people who would have been involved!  Today students begin by creating a copy of the Facebook Presentation Template.  Students will spend time in class today naming the document, sharing the document with the instructor, and formatting/inserting photos into the document.  This is a single-step in a multi-step project.  Additional time will be allotted for students who fall behind to catch up.  Peer Mentoring is wildly encouraged.
Today you will begin to SETUP your Historical Figure Facebook Page (HFFP).  You should begin by READING all DIRECTIONS BELOW!  Once you have finished, we will go over parts of the pages together.
Please go to the following link:  

1.  YOU MUST MAKE A COPY OF THE DOCUMENT THAT IS AT THE LINK ABOVE.  RENAME YOUR DOCUMENT "HFFP (Person's Name) (Your Last Name) P?"         Example:  HFFP JFKennedy Scribner P1
2.  You must SHARE the Google SLIDE (Presentation) with Mr. S (hscribnercaa@gmail.com)
3.  Open the location of your Pictures and Start by Formatting and Inserting the Pictures today.  Make sure to scale the pictures to the spaces appropriately, and make sure that they are appropriate.  Imagine you are the Famous Person and that you are placing the pictures they might have taken throughout their life.  Family, homes, friends, and events should all be there.  Make sure that the pictures of Friends/Enemies are correctly formatted and placed in the proper size, style and format.  TRY NOT TO ALTER THE BOX SIZES so the project will stay neat and orderly.


Please read the following details for each page so you understand what I am looking for:

Main Page (Page 1)

1.  Profile Picture should be the same throughout the project
2.  Person's Name - Your Name should be same on all pages.
3.  SIGNIFICANT HISTORICAL EVENT:  You must base this page and all contents on a specific event from history.  This event will give you a base time and date for making decisions about critical information.
3a.  POSTS:  All conversations / posts should have some historical significance.  There should be a logical order to the posts and all information listed.  You will have to "make up" some of the information based on your research.  All of your "made up" information should have historical context and be as accurate as you can get from your research.
4.  Basic Information should be as exact as possible. Please try to maintain the Facebook Effect if you do not have specific information.  What would your best guess be.  Make sure you can back up anything you put on the page with some historical fact or reasoning.
5.  Friends / Enemies can be anyone from the same period of time in history.  Anyone who lived during the same time could be a friend or comment on your Historical Figure's wall.
6.  Make sure that the Historical Event information is copied on all pages where applicable.

Information Page (Page 2)
1.  All Basic Information should be the same as the column on the left.
2.  GROUPS:  You should create / make up historical groups that your Historical Figure might have been a part of.  Some should be from the historical record if possible (College Alumni, Political Parties, other groups), but others can be created in context (George Washington might have been interested in the Virginia Farmers Guild).  Be creative and have fun!  Just be able to back up your group names with some logical reasoning.
3.  Photo Album Preview:  Use two pictures here that would represent two five-picture albums associated with your Historical Figure.  Try to think of albums that would exist for your person.  Family, Friends, Places Visited, Etc.
4. PERSONAL INFORMATION:  Based on your research, what music, movies, books, interests would your person have.  You may use period items if they have something listed in the historical record, or you may INFER what your person might have liked from today.  You may use some latitude for this, but be able to explain your answers.
5.  Contact Information should be as accurate as possible and timely.  Based on the day of the Historical Event that this page is focused around, what would the address and phone number be?  You can make up specifics, but you must use correct area codes for phone numbers and zip codes / cities for addresses.
6.  BRIEF DESCRIPTION:  This section can be taken directly from an online source.  You must list your source directly at the bottom.  Make sure you find a description that is complete and as accurate as possible. 
 Photo Page (Page 3)
1.  There are two rows of Photographs that should have a common theme.  Row 1 is one theme and Row 2 is another.  Each album below should be a different theme as well.  Some themes could be Family, Friends, Vacations, Places To Visit, Causes, etc.
2.  Make sure that your information at the top is the same as other pages.
Timeline / Source List Page (Page 4)
1.  Person's Timeline should include at least 10 items.  These items should include birth, death and anything else that is significant about your person's life.  Dates should be as accurate as possible.
2.  Source List / Bibliography:  Your sources can be copied and pasted here.  There is not specific citation requirement.  I will check these sources and if they are not accurate, you will lost points.  YOU MAY NOT USE WIKIPEDIA, WIKIANSWERS, OR ANY SEARCH ENGINE AS A DIRECT SOURCE.

Older Posts / Historical Events Page (Page 5)
 1.  Older Posts should be an extension of the POST section of Page 1.  Make the conversation historically accurate and have people who were alive discuss something relevant to the Historical Events of the Day.  Try to have some logical / explainable order to your Posts here.
2.  Other Historical Events of the Day:  This section should have no less than six other events that happened while your Historical Figure was alive.  They should be relevant to the conversation in the POSTS and have something to do with any other Friends / Enemies listed.  Try to tie things together in historical context.

Friends / Enemies Wall Page (Page 6)
 1.  Make sure you fill up this page with anyone from the same historical time as your Historical Figure.  You can stretch the imagination with who would have known you if Facebook was around then.  Anyone with similar dates will work, but be careful to check the ages of the people you list against each other.  Do not have someone famous say hello if they were in diapers at the time of your historical event.
I hope these tips help clarify some of what I am looking for.  You have done an amazing job so far with this project.  I see a lot of time and effort in your research and in your presentations.

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