Typing / Catch Up Day


Today you will use the time in class to catch up on any outstanding work.  Please start by signing in to your TypingWeb.com account and spending at least 10-minutes working on your typing skills.  Complete each section of the Basic Course and take the Section Quizzes at the end of each part.  Make sure you SIT UP STRAIGHT, REST YOUR FINGERS ON THE "HOME KEYS", AND USE ONLY THE FINGERS THAT ARE LISTED TO HIT THE PROPER KEYS INDICATED.  You are trying to learn to TYPE not just hit keys.  MEMORIZING THE KEYBOARD will also help.  You should get faster and more accurate each day that you practice.

Please spend the balance of your time working on an assignment you might have missed.  You can retake the Internet Safety & Security Quiz to improve your grade, at any time.  I will check the Technology Survey Results and the IS&S Quiz entries again today.  I will also be reviewing my gradebook for omissions and errors.  If you think that your grade is not quite right, come see me and we can discuss it.

Finally,  I have your ENGRADE Username and Password.  Let me know if you need it and I can write it down for you.  In November it will cost you a dollar (to me for the general school fund) to get that information again.  You should all have that information by now and it is important enough to remember or make a note of on your own.

We start IMovie on Tuesday.  Good Luck!

-  Mr. S

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