Any Student In Any Class Today That Reads This Should Send Me An Email Journal About How The Anti-Bullying Assembly Went This Morning!
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I hope whoever is covering my class has found the lesson plans on my desk. There is a list of topics that were selected by the students for Public Service Announcements in the post below this one. Make sure everyone understands that the PSA can be up to two minutes in length. Each student must Import their Movie Marquise (10-15 second video) into the PSA and add them to the end (After the 30-60 second PSA).
PSA's are to be finished in IMovie, use the EXPORT TO DISK function in the SHARE tab to save a copy of the finished movie to the Desktop. Then open your Google DRIVE and UPLOAD (Little Red Up Arrow Button) the Movie File to your GDRIVE.
Once your file is uploaded to GDRIVE, please click the SHARE button next to the file (or find it in the menu bar). Change the permissions to View The File to ANYONE WITH LINK. COPY the Link Above and email it to Mr. S.
Finally, You MUST open your Weebly.com Website and Create a LINK (Text Headline or Button) to your Movie PSA. You will not be given credit for the assignment until these steps are done.
I will be posting updates from the Seminar I am at on Google+. Make sure your friend me (Circles) and follow along. There will be extra credit for anyone who answers the questions about this seminar in an email to me. Check this website often over the weekend for updates as well. Question: Think I could talk the School District of Philadelphia into buying me a classroom like the one to the right? WOW!
Enjoy your time in class finishing your PSA's! We will be viewing and commenting on them in class on Monday! Have an great weekend! Think of me while I am in class!
As Always......Good Luck!
- Mr. S
#caatech #hsbfr