FMB - Final Changes (34/3)



Here are the final changes to your Family Monthly Budget.  Please record the changes and email me your final budget forms. You must email me the budget as a MS Excel Workbook/Worksheet.  DO NOT UPLOAD TO GDRIVE AND SHARE IT!!   I will review you budget and return them next week.  This will be a major part of the grade for this marking period.:

(You may now add 10% of your earnings in the stock market game (Investopedia) to your monthly budget.  See me for a withdrawl amount for today.)

1.       Add 5 pints of your favorite ice-cream to your grocery bill for the month

2.       Add $150 to your budget for home repair.

3.       Add a Doctor’s visit to your budget ($20 copay)

4.       If you did not add a vehicle to your initial budget, you need to find a car and insurance.

5.       Get a pet:  dog, cat, fish, snake, whatever….but budget for the animal, veterinarian and care products.

6.       You are taking a class at a local college….add $425 for tuition and $125 for books.

7.       You went to the movies with your niece/nephew/child/etc…..add enough to cover popcorn and tickets.

8.       You took first prize in a writing contest….add $100.

9.       Add $50 per month for an increase in cell phone service

10.   Find a bicycle for fun and add the cost to your budget

11.   You went to the mall to shop for clothes… add $125.

12.   You won the lottery……$150…scratch off… add to your budget

13.   Your mom’s birthday is coming up…get her a gift….add it

14.   You utility bills are 10% higher than you budgeted for…..add it

Don't forget to estimate your monthly grocery budget by multiplying your weekly grocery shopping plus your fast food budget by four.  Add those values to your budget as well.

Finally, email your final budget to me and include at least 3 paragraphs on what you learned while keeping a budget and how this project might help you in the future.

Here is the grade breakdown for each task of this project:

100 Points - Career Day Google Document (Click Here To See The POST)

100 Points - Moving Day Google MAP (Click Here To See The POST)

100 Points - Moving Day Worksheet

100 Points - Menu/Grocery List Worksheet

100 Points - Utility/Insurance Day Entries (Insurance POST) (Utility POST)

150 Points - Final Changes To Worksheet (SEE ABOVE)   

150 Points - Overall Completeness and Turned In Correctly/Proper Format/On Time 
(All Worksheets, Emails, and Budget)

800 Total Points For Project (More Than 50% of 4th Marking Period Grade Overall)
Good Luck
- Mr. S

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