MS WORD QUIZ I - (14/4)

Today you will be handed a paper that lists the instructions for the MS Word QUIZ I.  You must follow the instructions to the letter.  I have linked each of the documents below if you want to make up the quiz at a later date for a better grade.  Know that any quiz turned in after the date it was issued to the class (Today) will incur a late penalty.  The highest grade attainable on a late quiz is a 75.  This is to discourage students from copying and pasting the quiz others have created.  There are ways of finding authenticity, and if you are caught turning in someone else's work, you will recieve an automatic zero for the quiz.  You will also incur an automatic detention and a phone call home for academic dishonesty.  Please try your best.  I am very lenient and, as always, my goal is to teach you the right way to use these tools.  Here are the links for each class:






Have a great weekend and come in Monday ready to do your very best on the STAR Student Assessment Tests.  I understand that your 8th Grade teachers are now counting the Assessments as part of your grade if you show improvement.

Good Luck,

- Mr. S

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