Here is the GRADING RUBRIC for the FACEBOOK Project:
You must have the following items:
- Your name on the top of the page (Parenthesis Behind Historical Person's Name)
- Pick a historically significant day in the person's life.
- Information Bars Timely and Accurate For The Period
- At least six (6) friends from the same period.
- Basic Information Accurate and Complete
- Address, Phone, and other items accurate and complete
- Six items posted on WALL. At least two from someone else of that time period.
- Timeline from Birth to Death (If Applicable). Must include at least six major events. Bonus Points for more than 10 events.
- Bibliography with at least five sources. NOT Wikipedia, NOT Google. Items must be correctly referenced.
- All Items Above - 20 points
- About Me Section - 10 points (Historically Accurate Facts)
- Profile Information - 10 points (Accurate)
- Groups and Friends - 10 points (Timely)
- Pictures and Aesthetics - 10 points (Extra for 10 or more)
- Creativity - 20 points (Topics, Conversations, Post Information)
- Organization & Layout - 10 points (Appropriate Background and Styles)
- Overall Quality of Work - 10 points (Complete Timeline and Bibliography)
When you are finished with your project, you must save it as a PDF file and ATTACH it to an email to me at I will review it and return it with changes before entering a final grade. This project is due anytime this Marking Period.
Good Luck and Thanks for your continued good behavior.
-Mr. S