Benchmark & Facebook Project Review (13/1 & 2)

Today you will be completing Benchmark Testing for the School District of Philadelphia.  Use you Student ID# and your personal password to login to the SDP WEBSITE.  Once there, please double-click the button for STUDENTNET and proceed to log into the testing site for ACUITY on the left-hand side of the screen.  Please complete both the Language Arts and Math Benchmark Tests.  Once completed, I will record your score before you log out of the test.  You are then free to work on First In Math with your login and password (See Me If You Do Not Have It!), or your Facebook Historical Project.

Here is the GRADING RUBRIC for the FACEBOOK Project:

You must have the following items:
  1. Your name on the top of the page (Parenthesis Behind Historical Person's Name)
  2.  Pick a historically significant day in the person's life.
  3. Information Bars Timely and Accurate For The Period
  4. At least six (6) friends from the same period.
  5. Basic Information Accurate and Complete
  6. Address, Phone, and other items accurate and complete
  7. Six items posted on WALL.  At least two from someone else of that time period.
  8. Timeline from Birth to Death (If Applicable).  Must include at least six major events.  Bonus Points for more than 10 events.
  9. Bibliography with at least five sources.  NOT Wikipedia, NOT Google.  Items must be correctly referenced.
Grading will be as follows:

  • All Items Above     -     20 points
  • About Me Section  -     10 points  (Historically Accurate Facts)
  • Profile Information  -     10 points  (Accurate)
  • Groups and Friends  -   10 points  (Timely)
  • Pictures and Aesthetics  -  10 points  (Extra for 10 or more)
  • Creativity        -    20 points (Topics, Conversations, Post Information)
  • Organization & Layout  - 10 points (Appropriate Background and Styles)
  • Overall Quality of Work - 10 points (Complete Timeline and Bibliography)
 You should know that your Historical Figure will also be the topic of a Written Report when we work on Word over the next few weeks.  The information you find will be used again for that report.

When you are finished with your project, you must save it as a PDF file and ATTACH it to an email to me at  I will review it and return it with changes before entering a final grade.  This project is due anytime this Marking Period.

Good Luck and Thanks for your continued good behavior.

-Mr. S

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