Digital Photography (10/2)

Today we will be discussing a brief history of Digital Photography.  Watch the presentation (CLICK HERE) and fill in the questions below on a separate piece of paper:

Photography Training Worksheet
14 November 2012


College ________________________________________

1  Describe the difference between F-Stop, Shutter Speed, and Film Speed and how they effect pictures.

2  Describe two different types of LIGHT and how they effect pictures.

3  What are pixels and how do they “create” a picture digitally?

4  List four different settings for the Nikon cameras in the classroom and how you will use them:

On the back of this page, write a one-page essay on how you plan to complete the photo project outlined online.  You will need to take the following pictures:  Architecture with Attitude, Self-Portrait, Blur Blur Blur, Black & White, Comic Book, Food for Thought, and Micro-World.  


Tomorrow we will discuss the Photo Collage Project and the Artistic Photography Composition Project.

- Mr. S

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